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Civil Litigation &

Law is nothing but common sense. Most of the civil litigations end up in settlement. our team has the experience, practical wisdom and skills to secure successful outcomes for our clients.

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Civil litigation

KSLaw, is committed to advancing the interests of clients. The firm has a reputation and is proud to have gained the confidence of our clients. Clients can be rest assured that our lawyers have the expertise to place forward the matter of our clients in the correct perspective for successful adjudication in any forum , this extends beyond the courtroom encompassing arbitration and mediation.

We are known for handling difficult cases and for the hard work of our band of advocates . Our counsels are adept in managing matters effectively and efficiently, constantly conscious of costs and time line. We avoid seeking adjournments as our lawyers are prepared and and ready to argue at short notice . We are abreast with latest case laws utilising latest technology . This helps to minimise expenses and streamline processes, both in and out of the courtroom, lawyers seek our help in difficult and tricky matters .

Our clients include several high profile corporate clients as well as individual litigants. We routinely assist business owners, manufacturers, contractors, construction companies, institutions and professionals from a variety of stream. We accept briefs on matters involving breach of contract, property disputes, contested estate issues, successions , probate personal injury, product liability claims and in suits alleging professional negligence. Our counsels handle a wide spectrum of lawsuits from small to large.